G of Brand Design
G of brand design
An interaction between the brand components within the brand universe.
Trust, creativity and innovation come together in Serendipity.
How does these three facets affect the growth of a brand? Trust is a very important component in innovation and so is creativity. That being said, too much of a trust component can be very dangerous thereby completely sabotaging the innovation process. Marketplace, implementation strategies and technology ( old or new ) are vital towards bringing a meaningful innovation within the brand and creativity on the other hand runs parallel with innovation but trust empowers them both by building a vital bond enhancing the brand’s health.
You could be a successful brand or a startup that is excited looking forward its journey, whats more important is to find serendipity that shoots up from this triad. I would like to tag these components as artefacts that should orbit consumers of the brand. By seeing the big picture below, all those intangible and tangible components of a brand design are intrinsically interdependent to each other and are key vitamins that are required for any identity’s survival.
Happy branding!